Saturday, April 12, 2008

April Already...

Well folks it is already April, I have been working at my job for a few months now, and Chris is working now also. My job is okay, I am learning a lot about young children. I enjoy being with the one year olds especially and I should be teaching a class of 4 and 5 year olds soon. One of the amazing parts of my job is how much children can teach me. It is amazing to look at the world through their eyes. They can fight and make up a minute later, what is truely amazing is that they will never bring the incident back up. That is one of those well known facts I guess. There is truely an innocence which surrounds children who are loved and respected. That is the key because I can tell when children are not being nutured at home, when they are scared, when they have not learned to respect others because they are not respected by their parents. It is heartbreaking to work with the children who know more swear words and derogitive statements than nice things to say. Especially when they are not even three years old. I can't help but wonder what kind of person is being raised. Will they overcome the immense challenges in their future? I don't know, if a child is not given the proper tools and knowledge, how can we expect them to become functioning adults? It is these questions, it is overcoming these obstacles that makes my job worth it. Children are OUR future, by nurturing and raising children I can make a difference in OUR future. It is about giving them a positive start so they can do great things.
Okay enough of that, it is not what I was planning on writing...Anyways, Chris and I are doing good. He is working at Firestone (I don't like the company) none-the-less it is a job and he is wonderful in putting up with it. He has not had a Saturday off since he started and this week he has Sunday and Tuesday off, I always have Saturday and Sunday. It is hard to be apart so much. However it will not be like this forever. We are planning to start our own business, so that I can be at home and he can go to school. We have a lot of planning and development before we will know when this will happen but it will. I am excited for the adventures of our life, it will be an exciting road. We are also trying to plan a trip to Susanville to see family this summer. Lots of plans, it will be fun. Oh and Liz is having a baby and I am super excited for her and Tim!!! I wish them the best of luck!! I also hope to see them this summer when they come back to Washington to visit.

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