Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It finally happened I was offered a job yesterday and accepted it. I am going to be working as a teacher at Kindercare. I don't know what age yet, after I am trained they will find a class for me. I am really excited for this though.

I feel very strongly that the first five years of a child's life lay the foundation of who they are going to become. This has been proven in many studies and is taught in human development classes as well. That means that before kindergarten is a very vital and imortant time for a child and I am so excited to be a part of building these childrens personalities and hopefully a love of learning. I am really considering this as a possible direction for continuing my education, maybe getting my masters in early childhood education. Of course I will keep you all updated on my learning process. I am very excited to work with the young kids!

On another note, we recently got a lot of snow in Richland and I took a really neat picture
(above) I like it a lot, so I thought I would share it. I also wanted to mention that Chris and I have another Blog that will be about him and I. It is called "It all Started with a Handshake" and there is a link on the sidebar with the other links. I also found Becky and Melissa's blogs today and have added their link. I sure do miss hanging out with those two!


Anonymous said...

That's great that you found a job. It sounds like it will be a wonderful experience! and I miss hanging out with you too! Pullman just isn't the same lately.
p.s. thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! You finally found a job!! I'm so excited for you! I'm also glad you found my blog. I want to thank you for your wonderful words... they were exactly what I needed to hear. You truly are a great friend and I miss you terribly!!! BIG HUGS from me!

shannon j said...

Yay a job! Congrats! I worked at a daycare last summer, and although it can be stressful at times...working with kids is so fun. Good luck!