Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hard Lessons

Well Chris and I moved, and we learned some valuable lessons. Unfourtunatly we learned them the hard way. Here are some tips for anyone thinking of moving.

1. Don't underestimate how much stuff you own. Rent a U-haul it is cheaper than making six trips.

2. Try to avoid moving during the winter... it is cold, wet, and makes planning really hard.

3. Have a job where you are moving.

4. Help is a very good thing- ask for it.

5. Plastic totes are wonderful- waterproof and can be used for storage later.

6. Pack early it is easier that way.


Just a few idea's. Some of these lessons we learned because of our own mishaps, others because it is what we did and it worked very well. The totes are very useful, and are now storing our camping gear ect. All in all things would be very good here... except that after one month we are both still unemployed, and have used all our savings. On the up side I have a job interview Monday!

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